Thursday, October 17, 2013

Wait for iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

This has been a great week.  I have really focused on my DMP, going over every word to make sure it was right and I had some insights to tweek a sentence or two, change a different word or two and BAM!!!!!   It seemed to really hit me It rang true - like I finally got it right and I got so excited.  I'm still tweeking it here and there but now IT ALL seems different - and like Shawn Spencer on Psych when he knows what's going to happen and tells everyone to "wait for iiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.... I know that's all I have to do  -  just like a gardener who plants  his crops and then waters, nourishes and then waits for a season to partake of the harvest, that's all I have to do.  I'm working on nourishing the seeds of my DMP by continuing the reading and focusing my thoughts on FEELINGS and building good habits.... the problem is I saw a little green shoot pop out of the ground and it feels like Christmas when I was a little kid and I just can't stand the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait.


Alchemical Research said...

This resonates with me...Sometimes it seems like figuring out what you really want is probably more than half the journey.

Unknown said...

Vitality and excitement shine from your words Scott. Can't wait for Week 4!

Anonymous said...

One more time, Scott, with E-N-N-THU-U-U-U-U-US-I-A-A-A-A-SM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!